09 December 2020

There are many ways to motivate your employees to work towards your business goals

As a Business Coach, I’ve worked with business owners whose main problem was losing control over their own business. Sometimes, when we lose control, we enter into an irrational state of mind, which causes us to make irrational decisions.

My job is to make sure my clients are still in control of their business as a whole. That is not to say I will discourage them to delegate tasks or to influence them to avoid putting their trust on their own employees. One can still maintain control even when everyone on the team is making contributions, even in major decisions that have to be made. It’s a matter of strategy and planning.

Look at the big picture and remind your team what the big goals are

When you started your business, you spent time creating your company’s “mission and vision” which includes your personal and business whys. Now, what is the level of understanding that your team has about these objectives? Having everyone on the same page when it comes to business goals is important, because when each person or team has even the slightest misunderstanding, it will be very difficult to maintain control, and next thing you know, you’ve lost the chance to turn it all around.

Go back to basics, especially with your time

Sometimes it helps to wipe your slate clean and just focus on the important stuff, just to get your energy flowing in the right direction. The important stuff is the 500-pounds-an-hour jobs. The key is to not let anything distract you, at least temporarily, so you can work on the business. When you go back to basics, you’ll start to feel things around you slow down, and that will give you a sense of being back in control. Remember: if you’re about to lose control, simplify things down to the basics and start from there.

Study the processes and see if you can improve the workflow

When the goals and roles have been clearly defined, it’s time to make sure the flow of every business process, big or small, is smooth and manageable. Having a clearly defined process maximises your level of control and monitoring, and it also helps make it clear to everyone what their roles are and up to what point of the process they’re only involved with.

Detect critical concerns that require your approval before execution

As the captain of the ship, there should be things that require your green light before any movement. Clearly identify those points and make sure you make it a golden rule to have you involved.

Carefully choose people who will be involved in major decisions. Not all decisions should go through your desk, especially those judgments that are team-level. That’s the beauty of delegation; you get people to do those things for you. You need to be smart in choosing those people, because what they decide for their respective team will impact the overall strategy and outcome.

Remain transparent and encourage opinions and ideas

Transparency manifests your reliability as a leader, and it establishes trust with the individual members of your team. If you lie about something, or withhold information, you could compromise your relationships and the respect you command as the owner.

The more people you have eagerly contributing in discussions and attempting to make improvements to the organisation, the better. Never reprimand a team member for dutifully voicing an opinion even and especially when it goes against your own.

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