We’re often asked the price for Business Coaching. But we believe a much better way of thinking about Coaching is – 'price is what you pay, value is what you get'.

It’s really important, because as entrepreneurs and business owners, one of the things we instil is moving away from the word 'cost' towards healthier conversations around 'return on investment' – because that’s what I’m going to deliver for you. If you think about your own clients – what is it you’re delivering for them?

So with that said, here’s our pricing structure for your return on investment.

1-2-1 Coaching with Jas Darar - £1,695 plus VAT

This is the Coaching package that 98% of business owners opt for. We offer tailored versions of it – with the main differentiator being the amount of time your sessions last.

Structured and exceptionally successful, we’ll spend '1-Hour Every Two Weeks' together to grow your business faster than you could on your own.

With this programme, some clients choose to increase their Coaching hours as their results start to gather momentum. That’s because they’re keen to push forward to get a return on their investment in the shortest possible time. This is something we can discuss as you progress – because your business can only grow as fast as you do.

Your investment is completely safe, because we hold you to account to implement everything we discuss during your sessions. Your investment includes free attendance at our hugely popular REACH Refresh Days, and a host of ready to use business strategies, templates, books, membership site, private Facebook group, and me at the end of an email.

REACH Refresh Days - £317 plus VAT

Our much-loved quarterly REACH Refresh Days see all of our clients come together in one room. The energy, expertise and experience is phenomenal. And it’s there for you to tap into.

If you’re curious about Coaching or have a recurring problem that needs solving, you can come here to get advice. You’ll be amazed by the quality of the answers and how willingly business owners share their knowledge and suggestions. Even those in the same sector as you, are open books!

REACH Refresh Days are like Coaching and networking on steroids. These full-day sessions are a firm date in the diary for many business owners who crave time out. It allows them space to reflect on their last quarter, and to plan priorities for the next.

REACH Refresh Days are included in our 1-2-1 Coaching packages. But if you want to attend one of these days as a stand-alone visit, then your investment including course materials, breakfast, snacks and lunch is £317 plus VAT.

REACH Club - £127 plus VAT

We’ve designed our engaging online platform for business owners who want to access proven strategies, materials and support but aren’t quite ready for 1-2-1 Coaching.

Here, you’ll be able to read, download and use a treasure house of knowledge built up over 17-years. With practical videos and real-life business templates, you’ll be guided through the entire Cycle Of Business Success model that we’ve used to Coach every business we’ve ever worked with.

Choose to follow the step-by-step process or dip into areas where you need support the most. Access to materials is yours for as long as you need it for a monthly investment of £127 plus VAT.

Your Investment is Protected

All of our Coaching packages are protected by our cast iron Guarantee.

By carrying out the actions you’re Coached on, we guarantee your return on investment. Our Coaching success stands at 100%. We have never been asked by anyone we’ve Coached for a refund on their investment. Ever! As one of our 1-2-1 clients put it – “If we all did what Jas told us to do, when Jas told us to do it, we’d all be millionaires”.

We Work on Trust

We make it easy for our clients to work with us. We won’t ask you to sign a contract – so you don’t have to worry about small print, minimum terms or get-out clauses. Instead, think about the Coaching option that’s best for you right now, and then get in touch with us.

REACH Business Coaching will change your life – and those you care most about.

To take the first step call 01509 767 588

We’re ready. Are you?

What our clients say

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.