Our fortnightly sessions are intensive, focus and results driven – and engaging. The 1-2-1 Coaching programme is the quickest route to achieving sustainable results.

What is 1-2-1 Coaching?

Bigger picture thinking and goals

My one on one Coaching involves a lot of work around mindset – which people love. That’s because they have fears around this stuff and are usually out of their comfort zone. They have belief systems that are holding them back. It’s really important we talk about these things so that when you step back into your business, there’s nothing stopping you from executing and delivering your strategy. To help you deliver it, I’ll share examples of other clients who’ve completed similar strategies so that you’re not starting from scratch. These include handy templates, real life examples, people you need to talk to, a website to visit, a book to read – which you can apply to your own business.

I’m holding you accountable – and it’s this repetition that gets results. Not just one time – but every time.

Our 1-2-1 Coaching is popular

During our Alignment Session, we’ll have already agreed what these are –and drawn them out as twelve-month goals, as well as longer term goals over 3 to 5-years. I’m often asked the question – 'how do I break down my twelve-month goals and turn them into something meaningful, that I can work on every fortnight'. We do this very successfully through our 90-day Refresh Session. You’ll have an entire day to look at your 'bigger picture goals' and decide over the next thirteen weeks which chunks you’re going to break off and work on in more detail. The motivation behind our Coaching sessions is for me to break these down again, into bite-sized pieces and give you step-by-step actions to help you achieve them.

Find out if it’s suitable for you

It’s about repeatedly reinforcing what you’ve learned and having someone to hold you accountable to make sure you’re doing what you need to do, to move your business forwards. This is why it’s so successful. For a lot of people this is a really exciting phase – they’re energised and can see light at the end of a very dark tunnel. You’ll also be introduced to the REACH Business Coaching community at these REACH Refresh Days – a vibrant group of like-minded businesspeople who come together and share best practice without being guarded, to help each other grow and flourish.

What our clients say

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.