05 January 2022

Make your business world-class by doing one simple thing

If you look at it, the concept of business of quite simple: deliver a product or a service for more money than it costs you to deliver that product or service. When you can get that bit right, you’re essentially in a good place. But business isn’t just about making money now, it’s also about becoming sustainable so that it continues to generate revenue for the long term. And the only way to achieve that is to build a strong customer base.

That is why it’s very important for businesses to keep their “promises” to customers. The business landscape today is very competitive and customers have a vast selection of businesses where they can get the product and services that they want for the long term. And because of that abundance of choices, they are unlikely to stay with a company that does not make an effort to actually do what they said they would.

The expectations were clear from the start

When new customers get introduced to your business for the first time, there’s a certain expectation that stays with them based on how you marketed your product or service. If you say on social media or in any of your print advertisements that you’re a customer-oriented company, they of course expect to experience that. The more stuff you say you would do, the higher their expectations. This is the reason why one of the most popular business mantras is to under-promise and over-deliver because the goal is always to go beyond the customer’s expectations. Failing to do that will immediately — and in most cases, permanently — blow up that customer-business relationship to bits.

Stand out from the competition by keeping your promises

A vast majority of businesses do not do the things they said they would. They promise you that they’d call back but usually they don’t. They promise you they’d help you with something but mostly you’re on your own. They say they offer the best products and services but more often than not, that isn’t the truth.

Now imagine if you’re a business that actually stays true to your word. That already sets you apart from the competition. It’s an automatic edge because it’s the customers themselves who will feel that you’re different, that you’re “legit”, as most people would say today.

Build trust and confidence

We see everywhere how businesses work hard to protect their reputation, especially with all the online reviews channels that exist. One blunder and someone could just talk about it on Facebook, Twitter, Qype or Yell or any other platform, and all of a sudden, your business is besmirched beyond repair.

Again, it’s all about meeting their expectations and helping them give you’re their precious trust and confidence. They key is to make sure that the customers know what they can expect and when they can expect to get what they want. Go back and evaluate everything from the way you market your product and services to the manner by which you actually deliver them to your customers. Identify what systems and processes need to be changed or improved, what additional efforts are necessary, and what kind of culture you need to cultivate from within to be able to carry out those promises.

Enhance the way you communicate with customers. There will always be times when your efforts and their standards are not aligned, but at least find a way to make them feel that you’re actually listening to them and are willing to do whatever it takes to meet their expectations.

Remember: customers hate ambiguity. Not giving them enough information reeks of doubt and a lack of commitment. Remove ambiguity so you can inspire trust and confidence, which will ultimately lead to loyalty.

Our Cycle of Business Success Workshops are game-changers for business owners. They love what they see, and it completely fires them up. You’ve got nothing to lose by coming along to these free events and everything to gain. Why wait? Don’t put off until tomorrow what you absolutely know you should do today. I’ve helped thousands of business owners to build and grow their businesses – and they’ve never looked back.

Free to attend but with limited places! Upcoming event:

  • Friday 28th January 2022 – Radisson Blu Hotel, East Midlands Airport, Derby DE74 2TZ


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