26 October 2022

The importance of resilience and reminding yourself of the amazing things you’ve done

All the way through our evolution, one of the things that we can’t explain is the concept of the human spirit. Not even scientists and doctors and the cleverest people on earth can enlighten us about where it comes from and how it’s formed and where it goes when the human body dies.

I’m always massively intrigued by that question about the human spirit because I do believe it’s an absolute miracle. I believe it is the miracle of the universe, the human spirit, and that it can help us through the darkest times.

Whatever kind of challenges you’ve faced, whatever dark places you’ve been, have you not always figured it out? For me, that’s a testament to the human spirit — that resilience, that ability to keep going and keep fighting and keep getting up every single day in order to move forward until we find the solution to whatever our particular challenge may have been.

The human spirit should be celebrated

Think about all the times you’ve faced adversity and you’ve won. Think about the times you’ve managed to break through and come out to the other end. And whenever you’re struggling again in the future if not right now, remind yourself about what you’ve done with that human spirit that resides within you and how you’ve used that in order to move forwards.

Remind yourself of the miracle that you are — the absolute amazing person that you are and all of those challenges you’ve faced and overcome are down to your spirit.

The human spirit is strong, but you need to put in the work

Being resilient isn’t just about putting faith in the universe and expecting everything to fall into place on its own. The human spirit is only as powerful as the efforts you put forth. You need to take action and also help yourself go above the line.

Consistency is a critical factor if you want to make progress toward achieving your goals. Being consistent means dedicating yourself to your targets and staying focused on the things and activities to achieve them. Consistency requires a long-term commitment from you and involves sustained effort in doing actions repeatedly, even and especially during hard times. The human spirit may be powerful, but without consistency, it will be challenging to rise above the situation.

So remember, in order to overcome adversity, you need to celebrate your human spirit, believe in its capacity to take you further than you can imagine, put in the work, and do it consistently.

Our Cycle of Business Success Workshops are game-changers for business owners. They love what they see, and it completely fires them up. You’ve got nothing to lose by coming along to these free events and everything to gain. Why wait? Don’t put off until tomorrow what you absolutely know you should do today. I’ve helped thousands of business owners to build and grow their businesses – and they’ve never looked back.

Free to attend but with limited places! Upcoming event:

  • Friday 18th November 2022 – Derby Mickleover Hotel


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