Katy and Mike Ingram

Joint Owners & Dentists

Our friends recommended Jas; they spoke very highly of him. He has a good reputation – and he holds us accountable. Being held accountable is a critical ingredient to our success.

- Katy Ingram

What were the drivers for you wanting to work with a Business Coach?

Mike: Before Katy and I started our business together, I owned a dental practice for 20 years and although the business was successful, I felt we’d done it the hard way. Some friends of ours, with a business in a completely different industry, started working with Jas around 2010 and seemed to move forward in leaps and bounds – whereas we were progressing through trial and error and learning from our mistakes. So, in setting up Peacock Dental Spa, I was keen that we should start off on the right foot.

Katy: Whereas Mike was keen from the get-go, I was relatively reluctant being a little bit younger, and more naïve. My view was let’s make the mistakes first and see how we get on before investing in a Coach – and potentially finding out that we were doing a good job. But by working with Jas, I’ve discovered that there are huge benefits to not doing it that way – and why would you? We’ve been working with Jas since August 2021 – and opened the doors to our business in October 2021.

My view was let’s make the mistakes first and see how we get on before investing in a Coach – and potentially finding out that we were doing a good job. But by working with Jas, I’ve discovered that there are huge benefits to not doing it that way – and why would you?

- Katy Ingram

Why did you choose REACH Business Coaching?

Katy: Our friends recommended Jas; they spoke very highly of him. He has a good reputation – and he holds us accountable. Being held accountable is a critical ingredient to our success.

Mike: We’d looked at a few specialist dental Coaches but didn’t get a particularly good response. My belief is that business skills are transferable between industries and that’s what Jas does, he successfully Coaches people from a broad mix of sectors. He has the experience.

What were some of your specific challenges and outcomes?

Recruitment and HR

Mike: As a start-up practice we didn’t have any HR systems in place.

We wanted to recruit staff that were the right fit for the philosophy of our business, we wanted a system that would help with organising staff and motivating them – and we wanted a system that enabled us to deal with staff issues in a constructive way. Jas was able to help with this straightway and gave us a recruiting system blueprint.

In our last business, our recruitment success rate was about 50%, and most wouldn’t last their probationary period. But by following Jas’s tried and tested system, we’ve interviewed some strong candidates who’ve joined the team. The interview process is challenging, which is actually very good – it means that when we bring someone on board they feel as if they’ve really achieved something because they had to work hard for a place on the team. They are much more aligned with our values because they’ve had to fight for it.

Katy: I’m a huge fan of systems and frameworks. In the past, we’ve tried to encourage people to do what we want them to do, by managing them. But when you create a system and then manage the staff member through that system, everyone in the team knows where they stand –it’s easier for all of us. The systems are there for a reason – if we realise we don’t have one in place, then it becomes an opportunity for the team to get involved, to take ownership and to create one. Systems are integrated into everything we do. It takes the emotion and conflict out of situations when things go wrong, or when we have to give feedback for areas of development.

In our last business, our recruitment success rate was about 50%, and most wouldn’t last their probationary period. But by following Jas’s tried and tested system, we’ve interviewed some strong candidates who’ve joined the team.

- Mike Ingram


Mike: In our previous business, I never did a cash flow or profit and loss, and I’d only look at our accounts as I was signing them each year. Setting up a private practice start-up is very difficult – so, preparing a profit and loss and keeping on top of our finances is a steep learning curve for us. You can’t make decisions about your business unless you know your figures.

Katy: Mike has this saying: “If we all did what Jas told us to do when Jas told us to do it, we’d all be millionaires”. It’s so true. Our business is still in its infancy – however, we both feel a lot more steadfast and solid because we know what the plan is. We’re much more prepared.


Mike: Setting up our new business was stressful because we had a lot going on. It was during lockdown, we were transforming a former solicitors office into a dental practice and had challenges with the building works – and then our beautiful twin girls were born. Working with Jas has taught us about taking ownership. It’s so easy to blame everyone else when things go wrong, but we’re the ones who are accountable and responsible. So the question we have to ask ourselves is ‘what are we going to do about it’. It’s our business, and it’s our positive energy that will drive the business forward – it’s a reflection of our personality. If that’s doom and gloom that’s all too easily picked up.

Katy: On Jas’s Planning Days, he’ll repeat the same mantras. He’ll be very clear and say, ‘you need to do this’ and ‘you need to do the other’. A year later, he’s still saying it – but we still haven’t done it. Every time you hear those messages, more valuable teachings sink in – he’s saying them for very good reasons. You leave enthusiastic and energised. I share Jas’s mindset slides with the team – they love them.

What is it about Jas you’re buying into?

Katy: At the moment, we work part-time because we understand the importance of spending time with our girls. We will never get this time back and I can’t let the girls pay for that. We’re doing right by the twins – even if that means it’s going to take longer to build our business. Jas has encouraged us to make the business fit in with our life.

Mike: Jas is personable and friendly. He’s consistent and knowledgeable – he’s got an answer or solution to every problem you present him with. He also practices what he preaches. Take Jas’s timekeeping, for example, it’s unbelievably good! It’s magic.

What would you say to someone thinking about working with a Business Coach?

Katy: Do it – tell me why you wouldn’t. Top athletes work with a coach – so why wouldn’t you? If you’re not sure, go to one of Jas’s seminars. Go and see him – and then tell me why not.

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.