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James Pike

Managing Director

In the four years we’ve worked with Jas, our gross profit margin has increased by 15%, which is very good for a retail business.

- James Pike

What were the drivers for you wanting to work with a business coach?

We’re a multi-generational family business that has been trading for 76 years. We were going through a period of moving from one generation to the next and were looking to restructure the business and reignite energy into it. The retail business is very competitive – so we were keen to look at the wider business and to focus on key areas to develop and improve.

Why did you choose REACH Business Coaching?

We were invited to a REACH seminar by our firm of solicitors who were partnering with Jas and Angela at one of their events. The content was really very good – it was all the right stuff to help us control our time and our business and make us more profitable. I made reams of notes. I had my Financial Director with me at the time and we thought we could implement everything we’d learned. But we weren’t getting it done. So, 12 months later we went to another seminar. I remember saying to Jas that the information he shares is absolutely great but very difficult to execute on your own.

Our margins were very tight. Some of the products we were selling were also available to other retailers. It’s also been a very difficult ten years with the housing market.

- James Pike

What were some of your specific challenges and outcomes?

Attracting a broader customer base

Our customer base demographics was a challenge. Our loyal customers were typically aged between 55 and 65. We were keen to widen our market by attracting a younger generation through our doors, too. Jas worked with us to segment and profile our customers which enabled us to reach and attract this market. We want to delight them so that they purchase more products from us over the next ten years.

Tight margins

We’re working in a competitive market where margins are tight. On top of this, some of the products we were selling were also available to other retailers. National furniture chains are highly discount-driven, which doesn’t suit our business model. Jas has helped us to move away from a reliance on sales and discounting, which is so rife in our industry.

Ensuring a return on investment

There has been a lot of investment from family members over the years, and naturally, we’re keen to see a return on that. So, there was a lot of pressure sitting with us. In the four years we’ve worked with Jas, our gross profit margin has increased by 15%, which is very good for a retail business – especially because of the notoriously fickle industry we’re in. We realised too, that it was important for our team to share our vision for the future of the business. So, we set up a team training day with Jas to help them understand the journey we were on and to get them on board. This was absolutely the right thing to do.

Confidence to grow the business

By working with Jas, he’s helped us to transform our mindset, which has given us the confidence to grow Cookes Furniture and to expand our second business – Cookes Storage Service. We opened our first self-storage unit seven years ago, but with Jas supporting us, we opened a second storage unit in Stratford Upon Avon in 2022. This was a multi-million-pound investment to double our storage capacity.

This has been possible with the structure and mindset provided by Jas’s coaching, combined with a deep understanding of our financials. It’s given us confidence in our ability to fine-tune our business performance to deliver solid turnover and profitability every year. Over the next five years, we’re confident we’ll triple our turnover.

It’s given us the confidence in our ability to fine tune our business performance to deliver solid turnover and profitability every year.

- James Pike

What is it about Jas you’re buying into?

I feel like I can connect with him. He’s a family man with two kids and he’s got his work life balance, values and ethos right, which completely resonates with me. I have a young family too and so do some of our other directors, so we were constantly juggling our time and family commitments with the challenges of running a large family business. I trust Jas – especially after our alignment conversation. Everything felt right.

From the very beginning, Jas exuded professionalism, warmth, and genuine care for my success. His ability to provide tailored guidance and support was truly unparalleled. Jas took the time to understand my unique goals, challenges, and aspirations, and developed a comprehensive coaching plan to help me overcome obstacles and reach new heights.

What sets REACH Business Coaching apart from other coaching companies is their holistic approach. Jas not only focused on implementing effective strategies for business growth but also placed significant emphasis on personal development. Through thought-provoking discussions and exercises, Jas helped me gain clarity and develop the mindset needed for success.

Jas’s vast knowledge and expertise in various business areas were evident in every session. He effortlessly shared proven strategies, tools, and techniques that completely transformed the way I approached our business. I am now equipped with the necessary skills to navigate challenges and capitalise on opportunities.

Furthermore, Jas’s coaching style is incredibly motivating and inspirational. His unwavering belief in my potential and his ability to instill confidence in me were instrumental in my growth as an entrepreneur.

The level of support provided by Jas and Angela went above and beyond. Outside of coaching sessions, Jas was readily available for guidance, offering valuable insights and encouragement whenever I needed it. The personalised attention and customised strategies tailored to my specific needs were a testament to his commitment to my success.

I have never come across a coaching program that is as comprehensive, empowering, and transformational as this one.

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.