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Ruth Lynsey and Michael Caprio


He’s not coaching us on how to run a business – he’s coaching us to run a successful business.

- Ruth Lynsey

What were the drivers for wanting to work with a Business Coach?

We didn’t have any clear direction in the business or any real goals or aims. Plus, we were spending too much time working in the business instead of on the business – we realise now, there’s a huge difference. We were targetless – each day we were doing the same things without any focus or accountability, and that wasn’t healthy for us or LC Computers. It’s probably fair to say we were cruising.

We’d worked with business Coaches before, but they didn’t fill us with confidence – whereas Jas does. He’s really very focused.

- Ruth Lynsey

Why did you choose REACH?

We met Angela through a networking event – we listened to her talk about how REACH had turned around all sorts of businesses. At the same event, we got the opportunity to talk to clients who were working with REACH – which was all so positive. Angela is really approachable, and you can tell she totally believes in what they do. She’s the most perfect spokesperson for REACH. She’s funny and really, really nice. Jas has definitely got the best ambassador in Angela. Her customer service is spot-on.

We’d worked with business Coaches before, but they didn’t fill us with confidence – whereas Jas does. He’s really very focused.

Our journey with REACH started in June 2019. I went along to one of their free seminars, where Jas gives an insight into what he does best. Two months later, I took Michael, my business partner along. It was a resounding ‘Yes’ from both of us – we needed Jas to drive not only our business forward, but us. He had foresight – we signed up straightaway. And we’re so glad we did. Who could have ever predicted this pandemic? I know it’s probably a natural reaction to want to batten down the hatches and pull back on spending – but now is absolutely the right time to invest in Coaching.

These are the times you need someone holding you accountable. When the gates open again, we know we’ll be cantering out because of all the work we’re doing with Jas. If you’re waiting for the right time, you could still be at a standing start when the gates open.

If you have a problem or question, this wonderful group of people will step forward and help you – wanting nothing in return.

- Ruth Lynsey

What were some of your specific challenges and outcomes?

It was very difficult for us to move our business forward because we didn’t have any focus, targets or goals. We were treading water. We weren’t actually going in any particular direction. With Jas we now have a 90-day plan, which we focus on together. Jas works through it with us. He fills us with confidence. He tells us that nothing is impossible – and we believe him. Until we started working with him, we’d never had a marketing plan or, any ideas when it came to marketing our business. But that’s changed. Jas is opening our eyes to new possibilities. The clarity we’ve gained is so-so valuable.

We were also looking to take on someone new in the business. Again, we had absolutely no processes in place for recruitment. But Jas has a library of approaches; and let me tell you, they absolutely work – all the answers are there. Talking of answers, Jas has also created this incredible REACH Community made up of like-minded people. If you have a problem or question, this wonderful group of people will step forward and help you – wanting nothing in return. Even people who are in the same industry as you, will openly share their experience. So it’s a win-win – you’re getting Jas and Angela plus, this whole community of business colleagues, and its priceless. It’s as if you’re in this safe bubble.

With this totally unexpected pandemic, it’s been a very difficult trading year; but working with Jas, we still increased our profit by 5% and our turnover by 20%. This simply wouldn’t have happened without him. In fact, he encouraged us to put up our prices – he makes you feel good about it. Jas encourages you to know your worth. That’s because he’s worked on changing our mindsets – he’s not coaching us on how to run a business – he’s coaching us to run a successful business.

We’ve learned that there are opportunities out there – because we have a different mindset, we’re embracing them.

- Ruth Lynsey

How have you adapted during COVID as a business and individuals?

When you work with Jas, he focuses on changing your mindset – and I can’t stress enough how important that is. In our line of work, we have a high-street shop, and we offer support to businesses. Okay, we’ve reduced our shop opening times, but Michael and I still go in on alternate days to support customers who need us and our services. They know we’re there for them. And of course, we’re still there for our business clients.

With Jas’s guidance and genius mind, we offer different services to support businesses, for example, with more people working from home, there’s a greater need for laptops. Businesses don’t necessarily want to buy them – so we rent them on a monthly basis. And then, when they’re no longer needed, we sell them on. We’ve learned to adapt. We’ve learned that there are opportunities out there – because we have a different mindset, we’re embracing them.

What is it about Jas that you’re buying into?

His confidence in you. He’s very reminiscent of a head teacher – except he’s a very good one! He listens, understands, he’s honest and we value his opinion. It’s his whole demeanour – he’s a well-rounded person. He’s totally honest. It’s great customer service and great after service. I can honestly say, we wouldn’t be without Jas and Angela now.

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.