13 April 2022

Educated prospects become happier, better customers

The number of responsibilities a business owner has can sometimes seem endless. There is so much at stake that every decision and action can alter the fate of the entire business. Most times, they’re so busy running the business that they forget about the one thing they should be concerned about: the customers.

Are you taking the time to listen to what your customers are saying? Do you care enough about what they have to say about your products and services to actually do something about it? In Marcus Sheridan’s book, They Ask, You Answer, the author proposes a business framework that is obsessed with discovering one thing: “What is my customer asking?”

Customers keep your business afloat, and Answering customer questions gets them to your business in the first place. It makes sense to make sure your website or landing page will let potential customers know what you offer, why they should choose you over the competition, and more importantly, the value they get when they support your business.

Providing answers builds trust

Customer loyalty is built on trust. Answering questions with useful and accurate information is a sound method to earn the confidence of people who are curious about what you have to offer. Eventually, these loyal patrons become advocates for your products, helping you spread information and build your brand by word-of-mouth and on social media, which can ultimately lead to new sales and a bigger customer base.

Learn from your customers

Never miss an opportunity to learn about your customers and gain insight into how they view your business. Monitor the types of questions asked and how often the same topic appears. This way, you can improve the content on your product or service pages. The ultimate goal is to be able to answer questions even before they ask them. The more helpful you are with the information you provide, the more they’ll grow to love your business and feel that you really care about their needs.

Enhancing the customer experience

Improvements are not limited to how you provide information. By answering their questions, you can also enhance the steps that take customers from the first step until the final step of the buying process. By focusing on the things that matter to them based on the questions they’re asking, you can pinpoint which aspects of the customer journey can be modified to suit their needs or preferences better.

Building a positive reputation

You don’t want to be that business that is known to only care about making money and not caring about its customers. When customers feel neglected, their negative reviews can help sink a business in a blink of an eye, especially with today’s social media influence. On the other hand, if you respond to customer enquiries consistently, it shows that you, as a business, care about customer satisfaction, thereby solidifying your reputation.

When you’ve proven that the customer comes first and that it’s not just a cash grab to get as much money out of their wallets as possible, you become their go-to business. That’s the kind of loyalty you need to aim for.

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