13 February 2017

In more specific terms, these are the things you may achieve if you get a Business Coach

Among business owners, the term “Business Coaching” is something that’s not unheard of. However, not a lot of them really understand what Business Coaching encompasses. Most likely, they think that Business Coaching is only for those who are desperately trying to survive a management crisis within a company.

In my experience working with a lot of business owners, I’ve learned that most of them did not really know what things they could accomplish and develop right before they began receiving Coaching. It’s almost like getting an entirely different perspective on things even though they’ve spent most of their lives working hard for their respective businesses.

So if you’re curious about what my job really is, then let me give you a quick summary of my objectives as a Business Coach.

Crafting a suitable Coaching programme.

Each business leader is unique, so before we start working on enhancements and development, I create a simple program that’s personally tailored to the individual. I make sure that the goals are measurable and agreed-upon by all parties concerned.

I help the leader recalibrate the company’s success metrics

Metrics determine whether a campaign or any other endeavour has succeeded or failed. As a Coach, I make sure that the business owner has reasonable and workable targets. There’s no use in wasting time and effort if the goals are beyond what’s realistically achievable.

I work with the business leader to polish their leadership style

In previous posts, I’ve talked about how vital it is for business leaders to possess good qualities in order to stimulate employees and drive them towards the business goals. While leadership styles can be somewhat a personal trait, my job is to help the business owner gain perspective on how their ideas and behaviour are affecting how the entire company operates. While there is no fixed formula when it comes to the best leadership style, there are certain patterns of behaviour that lead to better business output and harmonious relationships within the company.

I assist the business leader in realigning their priorities

Most business leaders struggle because they tend to work on several things at once, or they always get stuck on working on something that is only urgent but not really important. The key to efficiency is learning how to prioritise. Once I’ve given them the opportunity to recognise what’s important and what’s not, they then begin to make more of their time and energy.

I mentor the business leader on how to deal with crises more intelligently

One of the true tests of a business leader is how they would respond to unfavourable circumstances. Dealing with business obstacles is not just about coming up with solutions; there’s a certain mentality that the mind needs to be trained with so that it would be easier to find positive things out of the bad. The goal is to make sure the business leader can think clearly during dire situations. Even when their responses do not end up brilliantly executed, at least they are able to deal with the problem objectively and with a sound mind, and my job is to develop that mentality.

Still curious about what Business Coaching can do for you? I would be glad to help. My extensive clientele consists of companies based across most of the Midlands including Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire. Discover how REACH Business Coaching can help you grow your business by attending our free workshops and seminars. For schedules and more information, visit our Events page by clicking the link below.


Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.