02 October 2024

by Angela Darar

Two weeks ago, Jas and I dropped our eldest daughter Poppy off at university. It was one of those bittersweet moments, full of pride and excitement for her next adventure, but also a deep sense of change. As parents, we spend years preparing them for this moment – we give them the roots to ground them, and then the wings to fly. But when it actually happens, it’s hard not to feel a little lost.

I keep asking myself: what do we do now? How are we supposed to feel? Will this ache ever ease up?

First of all, if you’re in this same boat, give yourself grace. It’s okay to feel a mix of emotions—joy, pride, sadness, and even a sense of loss. After so many years of raising our kids, adjusting to this new chapter is natural, and it’s important to honour the memories and love we’ve shared with them.

During this time, it’s also important to take care of ourselves. Rest, get some fresh air, and enjoy the little things like a good meal or a peaceful walk. These moments will feed your mind and body, helping you move through this emotional time with more balance.

One thing that has been helping me is creating a ‘look-forward-to’ list—something new to get excited about in this chapter. Whether it’s about our next visit to Poppy, a new hobby, or simply enjoying the freedom of a quieter house, finding new joys is essential to navigating this transition.

And of course, as parents, we know that no matter how old our children get or how far they go, we’ll always find ways to love them well. The distance might be physical, but the connection remains strong.

As I’ve been reflecting on this new stage in life, it’s reminded me so much of the transitions we go through in business. Just like our personal lives, our businesses go through periods of growth and change. Sometimes we need to let go of things that have been familiar and comforting for years in order to make space for new opportunities.

Maybe you’ve just expanded your business, taken on a new project, or had to step back and delegate more. The feelings of uncertainty, excitement, and even a bit of anxiety are very similar to what I’m experiencing as a parent. It’s okay to take time to adjust and give yourself permission to lean into change, knowing that with time, things will fall into place.

If you’re navigating your own business transitions or personal life changes, I want you to know that you’re not alone. We’re here to support you, and we understand the delicate balance between business and life. Whether it’s in your personal journey or your business, we’re here to help you not just get through it, but to thrive.

Wishing you all strength and clarity as you enter your new chapters, whatever they may be.

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