18 March 2020

Your management style could be limiting the outcome of your business efforts

It happens: you pour yourself into your company and work all the hours to take your business to the next level, but you’re still not getting the results you’re hoping for. It’s a rather common problem for most entrepreneurs, and the truth is that it’s really not just about whether you’ve worked hard enough; it’s about whether you’ve worked smart enough.

My job as a Business Coach is to train my clients to foster a habit that promotes productivity, knowledge and excellent leadership so they can make sound decisions and convert them into actions. I’ve observed that most business owners are too caught up with working in the business that they tend to neglect their most important responsibility — to work on the business.

As a result, they fall into an undesirable pattern that takes away any chance of helping the business grow and attain its goals.

Focusing too much on redundant tasks that consume your time and energy

The most common illness that entrepreneurs suffer from is the failure to prioritise. When a manager spends his time working on something he could have delegated to someone else more capable or has more free time, he’s essentially wasting valuable resources and creative juices which could have been used to brainstorm on strategy and tactics. It’s not surprising that by focusing on the wrong things, you won’t get the results you want.

Getting intimidated by the concept of strategy

Some business owners evade research and strategy because they aren’t sure what to do. They become afraid of committing to a strategy because they’re anxious; they worry too much about failing, and so they turn a blind eye to this essential part of the business.

Putting your business, brand and product out there without a firm understanding of statistics, analytics and other data that will help you to effectively advance your market is like driving through unfamiliar territory without a map. You may eventually get to where you want to go, but you will have wasted gas, money, time and energy.

Not being accountable for failure and blaming others instead

Sometimes things don’t go as you have planned, and when that happens, what is your first reaction? Do you refocus and figure out what went wrong? Or do you blame someone or something else for the failure?

More often than not, success is the direct result of fixing or correcting past failures and missed opportunities. How do you expect to get the results you want if, instead of working on a solution and finding ways to improve, you resort to playing the blame game.

Becoming too complacent and losing the drive to shake things up

Entrepreneurs usually start off with great strategies and plans, but somewhere along the way they settle. Instead of focusing on building their business so it can produce the results they want, they switch. They switch to lowering their expectations, so that it meets the limitations of their underperforming business. Or maybe they just decide to do the same things over and over again just because they “work”. You may get the results you want right now, but you can never sustain that success if you settle. Growth means leaving your comfort zone, setting bigger goals and then making the commitment to take the action required.

Being too confident about your knowledge on how it’s done

Sometimes, sheer arrogance gets in the way of opening yourself up to new opportunities to be successful in business. A lot of managers think that because they’ve had a certain level of experience, they don’t need any help.

There’s a lot of insight and knowledge about business that can only be effectively learned through gaining a different perspective. Sometimes, when you’re too immersed in something, you miss the chance to see the bigger picture, and thus you find it hard to make decisions and work your way out of occasional struggles. You need to know when you need to seek help and guidance from someone with an objective point of view.

If you feel that you need to grow and improve your leadership and management style, work with a Business Coach like me. My extensive clientele consists of companies based in all of the Midlands including Leicestershire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire. Discover how REACH Business Coaching can help you grow your business by attending our free workshops and seminars.

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