21 December 2022

‘Tis the season to revisit your ultimate motivation and see how far you’ve come


As a Business Coach, I always encourage my clients to work on the business, not in the business. A business leader’s responsibility is not to take charge of everything. Time and mental energy should only be used in working towards the ultimate goal: your personal why and business why.

But sometimes, we get caught it up in a lot of challenging times that we forget why we’re doing all of this in the first place. That’s why I find it useful that whenever December comes, we’re given the perfect reminder of why we do what we do.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays and look forward to next year, it wouldn’t hurt to take a step back and see if we’re still on the right track.

Be clear on what’s important to you and start planning around it

The success of your business depends on your ability to determine the most important goals to achieve at any given time. You must have a very clear idea of your priorities, daily. An unplanned day will inevitably lead to distraction taking over. Precise, isolated decisions about every situation will help eradicate interference. This ability to prioritise and strategise every move and minute will lead to a highly productive work environment.

What’s your measure for success?

Make sure that each activity or task is somehow associated with accomplishing that end prize: your personal and business why. Sometimes, you would need to deal with stuff that isn’t exactly connected to your end goals, and that’s normal and inevitable. Make sure those are arranged suitably but don’t veer from the path you’ve marked out for your business. You set goals for a reason: to achieve them. If you’re wasting time on anything else, get rid of it.

Time is the best give you can give yourself

Goals become a hell of a lot easier if we’re able to manage our time effectively. One of the most important aspects of my Coaching programme is to make sure my clients have all the tools and the mindset to master their time and ultimately take control of their business. I’ve seen many business owners fail because they didn’t use their time to focus on important things.

Make sure your team is behind you in reaching your business goals

It’s vital that you use your prioritising skills to make sure that each activity or task your team takes on is linked to your business goals. Don’t get sidetracked by things that may seem fascinating unless there’s a direct relationship between participation and reaching your business objectives.

A good method to maintain alignment is to hold a meeting with yourself and your team, every week or two. Go over the to-do lists you’ve established. Determine what was accomplished and what worked best to meet those aims. If there are things that can be changed to make your week more productive in the future, make them. If there are things you can remove, do so. Always look for ways to improve your team’s productivity and your own.

Our Cycle of Business Success Workshops are game-changers for business owners. They love what they see, and it completely fires them up. You’ve got nothing to lose by coming along to these free events and everything to gain. Why wait? Don’t put off until tomorrow what you absolutely know you should do today. I’ve helped thousands of business owners to build and grow their businesses – and they’ve never looked back.

Free to attend but with limited places! Check our 2023 schedules and book as early as today!


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