18 December 2019

Discover what could be keeping your business from reaching the goals you’ve set to achieve

Focus is important in order to reach that point of sustainable business success. If you want to build a business from scratch, it will be a difficult task, and when something goes wrong, it all falls on you as the business owner. It’s your responsibility to have a good strategy motivate your team to perform and create an environment for them to thrive and contribute to the bottom line.

However, there are also distractions that can delay or derail the growth of your business.

These distractions can spark a spiral of doubts, disorder and reduced productivity that will ultimately bring your company to its demise. Most of these bumps on the road are inevitable and have to be dealt with, but some are merely results of lousy management or poor execution of plans. Either way, you as a business owner are faced with the challenge of overcoming these distractions.

When you envy other people’s successes

It happens to all of us. Because of social media, we see other people’s stories and most of them are stories of success, especially in the business world. Someone you know may have just posted about a monetary milestone or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity they attained in their business. For some people, it can be inspiring; for some the truth is it can breed envy and jealousy.

It’s a part of human nature. You can’t be totally honest with yourself if you say you never experience these feelings when you see other people live their dreams. If you’re a business owner who’s still working on making your company prosper, you cannot afford to be distracted (or negatively affected) by other people’s successes. Make use of their “triumph” as motivation to attain some small successes in your business. As an entrepreneur, your business journey has to be a personal one and can’t be equated to someone else’s.

Sometimes other people will make you feel that you won’t succeed

In the world of business or any other industry, there’s no shortage of people who are more than willing to tell you what you’re doing could fail miserably. It could be perfect strangers, acquaintances, colleagues and even people who are dear to you. But if you’re running a business, the worst thing you could do is to let other people project their self-limiting beliefs unto you and your company.

That fear of failure is the very fear that keeps many from becoming entrepreneurs in the first place. People who are scared will work hard to convince you and themselves that they’re right — that you will fail just as they would have. This is a distraction but one you can avoid, if you know how to filter other people’s opinions and the information you share about your business.

Or maybe your strategy just doesn’t work anymore

Business people have tactics and strategies that have been around for a long time, but some, if not most, of them don’t work in the modern age. Blame the internet and the technological advances of the past decades. They have made even the most quintessential marketing strategies outdated.

These old-fashioned strategies can become a major roadblock to what your business is actually capable of doing. If you and your team are not on the lookout for the newest and most relevant approaches to running a business in the modern world, the prospect of success will be rather bleak.

What is really happening in your business?

Distractions can also be in the form of lacking something. If there’s a knowledge gap between you and the people on the ground working for you, there’s going to be quite a difficult journey in terms of planning and executing. Not knowing things can distract you and turn your focus into other things that you shouldn’t even be worrying about.

Remember that you started this business for a reason, so never lose sight of your personal and business why. You have to stay focused on where your business currently is in relation to the business plan you’ve mapped out. Begin to become aware and elude distractions to get to your business to the highest levels of success and growth.

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