Free webinar organised by REACH Business Coaching & The Construction Consultants

Keeping focused in business to overcome the current challenges & next steps

In light of the challenges faced by many businesses caused by the coronavirus outbreak, we are working hard to support business owners and management teams to deal with this situation. So we are once again working with our partners at The Construction Consultants to deliver a practical webinar covering the following areas:

  • The importance of mindset – keeping positive and focused during the crisis and being aware of your own mental health
  • Time management – sticking to routines and having a structure to your day (even if you don’t know what it’s going to bring)
  • Changes to working practices
  • Implications to construction sites
  • Current / future implications to the property sector
Book Your Place
online webinar

The webinar will take place on Tuesday 2nd June from 8:30am until 10:30am.

To register please click on the Eventbrite link and you will be contacted with the Zoom log in details in advance.

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

Enrich Your Business

Never, ever, underestimate the power of Coaching.