17 September 2024

by Angela Darar

The weather is starting to feel more autumnal, and I’ve always thought there’s something special about this transition of seasons—it’s a time of change, preparation, and new beginnings. The long, warm days start to feel a little shorter, the air a little crisper, and suddenly, we find ourselves swapping out our summer clothes for cosy jumpers. It’s a reminder that change is always happening, whether we’re ready for it or not.

And much like the seasons, business has its cycles too. As business people, we face transitions all the time – whether it’s the end of a project, the start of a new venture, or the need to adapt to market shifts. Are we ready for the changes coming? Have we set the foundations for the next season of growth? What can we learn from this period of transition that will help us plan better for what’s ahead?

Speaking of “cycles”—that’s why we host our Cycle of Business Success workshops, to help businesses in our community do exactly that – prepare for a new chapter. These events happen throughout the year and are designed to help you step back, reassess, and get ready for the changes ahead, much like the seasons themselves. We’re gearing up for our upcoming one this Friday (fully booked, as always), and the next one is on 2nd October, just in time to align with the new season and set your business up for success as we head into the final quarter of the year.

Again, change is inevitable, but it’s also an opportunity. If we embrace it, we can use these transitions to set ourselves up for even more success in the future. So, as you watch the leaves begin to turn and the mornings start to feel cooler, take a moment to think about the changes you’re ready to make in your business. How will you prepare for the journey?

And remember, if you need help in equipping your business with the tools to conquer change, we’re always here at REACH to guide you through your next steps. After all, the best time to plan for change is before it happens!

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