15 October 2024

by Angela Darar

A week ago, on the 10th of October, it was World Mental Health Day. It’s a reminder to all of us about the importance of taking care of our most precious tool—our mind. Personally, running a business and being a parent can often feel like a balancing act. There’s always something to think about, something to finish, and it’s easy to feel like there’s never enough time. But I’ve realised that prioritising my mental health isn’t just essential—it’s non-negotiable.

One way I’ve found to stay grounded is by starting my day with a few simple rituals. Before the world wakes up, I take the dogs out for a walk. It’s just me, them, the morning air, and some quiet time. There’s something about being outdoors, with no emails, no notifications, no rush, that sets a positive tone for the day. I take a moment to breathe, to be present, and to appreciate the small things that bring peace and clarity. As business owners, we rarely get a break, so I’ve come to treasure these moments.

Similarly, at the end of the day, I make it a point to switch off properly. I manage notifications and try to put my phone away, giving my mind a chance to relax. Some evenings, it’s as simple as curling up on the sofa with the family, watching our favourite shows, a cup of tea, and just disconnecting and putting all business thoughts on pause.

And of course, making time for holidays is essential. It’s tempting to think the business can’t function without us, but I’ve learned that stepping away and recharging helps me come back with renewed energy and focus.

As business owners, it’s easy to feel that taking time for ourselves might slow us down, but I’ve found it’s quite the opposite. When I look after my mental health, I’m not only a better person for it, but a better entrepreneur too. And I encourage all of you, as Jas always does in his Coaching, to think about how you can make mental well-being a priority in your routine. Maybe it’s setting boundaries with work, taking short breaks throughout the day, or simply taking a moment to breathe and reset. It doesn’t have to be grand; sometimes, it’s the small habits that make the biggest difference.

If you’re struggling to balance it all, know that you’re not alone. Many business owners feel the same way, and the constant pressures can sometimes take a toll. But remember, taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your business. When we invest in ourselves, we’re investing in the future of our businesses too.

And if you’re ever looking for a space to talk, to share, or to learn strategies that help, you’re always welcome to reach out. We’re here not only to grow our businesses but also to support each other as we navigate the challenges that come with it.

Wishing you all peace, balance, and a renewed commitment to prioritising your mental well-being. Take care of yourselves—you’re worth it!

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