28 October 2016

Your mind and energy must be in the right places for you to succeed

As a business coach, I’ve worked with a lot of business owners who exhibit their own unique leadership styles when it comes to dealing with people and roadblocks. I’ve seen several of them work as hard as anyone, but they fail to achieve the goals that they want. Why is that so? Well apparently, working hard is not the key to business success. It’s working smart.

What does that mean? In a nutshell, it means channeling all your efforts and energy to things that are more important and can directly influence business growth. It also means being establishing an uncomplicated, transparent leadership style which takes the load off your plate and gives you more time to deal with more pressing matters.

Below are some of the things that most business owners fail to do, which causes their business to go stale despite their efforts:

Focusing on the wrong this

To gain better focus, you need to ensure that you have a clear picture of what success look like. Previously I’ve talked about not burdening yourself with too many goals, because when you focus on everything, then nothing is your focus. And you also need to make sure you clearly communicate your goals to your people and tell them why they are important because that will motivate them improve how they will work to achieve those goals.

No accountability

Accountability starts with leadership. If you as a business owner will act as a role model for accountability, this will help create a culture of accountability in your workplace. I’ve seen a lot of leaders who choose to establish a blame culture over accountability. Remember: nothing kills accountability faster than blame. No matter how hard you work on something, if you don’t own up to it (especially when it fails), then your business will go nowhere.

Over-complicating things

The simpler things are, the more likely they are to get done. What I’ve noticed about most leaders is they seem to have a natural tendency to make things more complex than they need to be. If you want to keep things simple, it helps to allocate a specific amount of time and attention to one thing. That way, you gradually figure out simpler ways to deal with a task, and then you move on to the next. This helps you break that tendency to over-complicate.

Ignoring data

Technology is getting better at providing us with relevant tools, and yet a lot of business people still fail to see and understand the power of analysing data. What’s the point of working hard if you have no idea if there’s improvement or not? Numbers don’t lie, and if you keep ignoring the value of statistical data to observe trends, dips and spikes, you might end up overlooking aspects of your business that are more critical than others. You need data to make sure you’re on the right track to achieving your business and personal goals.

Guaranteed Investment

Guaranteed Investment

Everything I do is bound by my solid gold guarantees. Regardless of which programme we work on, if you do what you said you were going to do, when you were going to do it, you will get a return on investment guaranteed. If not, then I will refund you the difference. Yes, I am guaranteeing your investment.

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