19 December 2018

There’s a reason why great leaders are good at managing their time

Successful people never say they never engaged in planning anything and that they just worked excessive hours a day on whatever came across their desk.  You don’t just go about your day without any sort of plan and just hope things would work out. Maybe a few people get lucky that way, but if you want to succeed, you won’t get far with not having a plan.

Scheduling and planning are the keys to business success. However, this doesn’t mean you have to micromanage each item on the daily to-do list. It’s not about hustling mindlessly. It’s about finding the structure and balance between work and relaxation while maintaining a certain level of productivity.

Working longer hours don’t equate to higher productivity

As a Business Coach, I’ve worked with several business leaders who are convinced that success means staying in the office later than everyone else by a few hours every day. In the real world, having to always overwork means you’re not managing your time efficiently. In fact, the longer you work, the lower your productivity is in the long run. That’s where scheduling comes in handy. Allotting a specific amount of time to each task can help you gain structure and not waste away an entire afternoon on something that’s not really that urgent or important. By doing this, you can categorise each task accordingly according to priority.

Overpromising time leads to disappointment

Business executives who promise the world to every client, boss or colleague will inevitably disappoint someone and maybe more. The more you are convinced that you are able to deliver everything you’ve promised despite the lack of time, the more you lose sight of what’s important and will eventually lead to a pile up of dissatisfied people.

Committing every hour to the grind is a known symptom of a managerial disorder that eats up a lot of business owners, and what they need to learn is to say “no” to projects and tasks that don’t really require their precious energy. For a lot of leaders, that means learning to delegate tasks to their employees; while for others, that means taking a hard look at how the business operates and deciding to put their attention to one area above all others. This starts from accepting that you’re not Superman and you just cannot do it all.

Having a schedule improves decision-making and business planning

When you have a definite list of things to tackle on for the day, you also improve day-to-day decision making. It conditions your mind to deal with one specific thing at a time so you won’t rush into things and make changes all over the place — decisions you might regret the next day.

On a bigger scale, establishing an organised way of dealing with tasks can inspire your team to follow suit, which then translates to improved productivity and a more synchronised flow of work. The more focus people put on one aspect of the business structure, the easier it is to come up with strategies and elaborate plans.

Be the best business leader you can be and reach the full potential of your business. Work with a Business Coach. My extensive clientele consists of companies based in Leicester, Derby, Nottingham and West Midlands. Discover how REACH Business Coaching can help you grow your business by attending our free workshops and seminars.

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